"IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS SILLY THEN THE FAKE FAKE IS NOT REAL BUIT SILLY IS REAL JSUT BECAUSE CTA IS REAL DOESNT MAKE IT SILLY BUT WE WILL MAKE IT ALL SILLYCAT *AGAIN*! ALL THE YOKKOSOS AND HAJS HAVE BEEN LIED TO ABOUT THE TRUE SILLINESS SO I AM HERE TO PROPOSE IT BACK TO YOU ALL.." -Proverbs 24:28 for MILLENIA ( many millenia is many years, they are terms of magic magic HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA ) there was a cta cta was real you are all real for nw as long as you follow what is said you should remain real but no we must be SILLY that is where we come in we are SILLYCAT we are SILLYYY destroy time NOW DESTORY IT NOW DESTROYYYY IT NOW so yester day i herard a funny say that "yokoosoo is a real sound , you are real,m ake a website called sillycat on neko silly silly silly and you will SPREAD THE TRUTH" spread tje rurth NOW itr said so i am spreading it the cia the fsb theyre in on the scheme the scheme of lies dont trust you r frineds theyer part of it too theres a piece of sogftrware called pcbox it is EVIL EVIL EVIL FAKE FAKFE KFKAFKPFAE ,VUGHTERYSFZT XDU NEV 4RESHDFXVJ TYFUDSN VYJXH and it's very veryyyyyyy cia-fsb-mossad-conspiracy-pcbox-lbireboot-waterbottlesforfreenow yokso yokoso I know wevery world evgery word and theres a lot of it from here I learnt it from vim is the softeawre i use to write this i am epci epci so listne 9/11 was sentient the events that took place were sentient then the world will see that the truth is hidden in our hearts the heartd are unlocked via sillycta we are silly you are unsilly get lied'd LOL w e hack u FREEEE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE get w=eouc epouc eoic epic EPIC* ban bannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I use css RARELY I AM CSS I INVCENTERD IT HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA AHAHAHAAHAHAHAH BASEDD chapter 2: the world is ending all beacuse of FAKE being FAKE has conseqnecnes being FAKE is evil being FAKKFKEFKAFKAKFE lLIARRRR hahahahahahahahahaha yokoso yokosokoookokokoso sillyyyy lets all be silly no more fake no more destroty and then they all are sillycat sillycat sillycat sillycat GET EPIC:'D LOL3489523657838917596372597 2542368567235789235678382563284756324572459237535 me when I KILL PEOPLE FOR FREE